PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Gender Dysphoria Development In Lee Mokobe’s Slam Poetry

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The research discusses about development of gender identity disorder portrayed in
slam poems spoken by Lee Mokobe. Lee Mokobe, a female to male transgender
slam poet who won many slam poetry competitions with his poems that depict his
own and personal life experience while transitioning his gender identity. The
analysis in this research is using diagnosis of gender dypshoria by Kenneth
Zucker. In order to find the resolution of the research's problem, writer uses
descriptive qualitative research method that focuses on the attributes of gender
identity disorder shown in three of Lee Mokobe's slam poems. Then, this research
finds the developments of gender identity disorder based on the analysis of
paraphrased slam poems into two stages of gender dysphoria, adolescence and
adult. First, the poems portrayed about gender identity disorder that occurred to
the speaker when she was an adolescence girl. Second, the poems show
experiences of bully and stress that causes the speaker to have social dysfunctions.
Third, the slam poems have proven a result that there are attributes and symptoms
of gender dysphoria development.
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SKR SI 19023


Fakutas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

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