PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Pragmatic Study On Hedging As Politeness Strategy In Online Newspaper

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This study intends to analyze hedges do function as politeness strategy within
the New York Times online newspaper entitled: U.S Says Syria Has Used Chemical
Weapons at Least 50 Times during War. This descriptive study employes synthetized
classification theories of hedges by some linguists. However, Vold‘s system test is
applied in order to prove selected lexical expressions that might act as hedge.
Regarding politeness strategy, this research uses Salager & Mayer‘s and Levinson‘s
theories of politeness.
The foremost result of this research evinces that by combining the
classification theories of hedges and Vold‘s test in analyzing the hedges succor the
writer to ascertain whether the lexical expressions act as hedge or not. In the
meantime, by applying politeness theory reflects profound understanding on the use
of the hedges. Additionally, within politeness strategy provides new evidence that
hedges are not only able to be applied as the positive politeness strategies, but in this
research covers negative politeness strategies as well
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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