PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Cooperative And Intrusive Interruptions In Political Interview Between President Donald Trump And John Dickerson On Face The Nation, Cbs News

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This research aims to identify the types of cooperative and intrusive
interruption in political interview and why it occurs. The writer is interested in
observing interruption in President Donald Trump’s interview with “Face the
Nation” because in political interview the change of interruption occurs is high as
the interviewer tried to expose the thorny, and often hidden, side affairs, which is
not commonly explained by politicians unless it favors their party’s image to
detriment of other parties. There are two parties in this dialogue, John Dickerson
as the host and President Donald Trump as the politician guest. The writer
analyzed the type of interruptions from the conversation which occurred in the
show used Murata’s theory and classified the reason used Wardhaugh’s theory.
This study focused on the types and the common reason of cooperative and
intrusive interruption in political interview. To decide the type and reason of
interruption the writer looked at the context of the discussion between the host
and the guest. The writer found twenty-two intrusive interruptions and one
cooperative interruption from the data. The type of cooperative interruption is
clarification and the types of intrusive interruption are floor taking,
tangentialization and disagreement. The writer found four reasons of interruption
which are breaking up, correcting, disagreeing, and seeking clarification.
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SKR BSI 18052


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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xi, 69 hlm,; ilus 25 cm







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