PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Feminist Perspective On Body In Patricia Mccormick’s Sold

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This research aims to know how the body is described by analyzing
women character Lakhsmi and Ama in Sold and how their bodies are understood
in Sold. Other characters find they both as unattractive women because their body
are skinny, their breast and waist are not plump. Nevertheless, they can do heavy
works. Moreover, Lakhsmi claims that her own strength above man’s. Although
they both are described strong in physic, but their strengths do not take them into
powerful women because they live in patriarchal culture that assume the men are
the authorities and the symbol of honor. In addition, women bodies are valued
based on their appearance, not strength. The results of this research are: Firstly,
the body is a medium of culture. It is shown when Lakhsmi gets her menstruation
at the first time. She has to carry out Chhaupadi tradition and forbid to appear
before men, and the way of praying to the beautiful goddess indicates the standard
of beauty in this culture according to the characteristics of the goddess. Secondly,
the body is commodity. It is shown when Lakhsmi is sold to the brothel. Her price
is determined by her appearance, age, and virginity. Lastly, the body is women’s
sex oppression because Lakhsmi and Ama are powerless than men. It is caused by
their sex as women although they do the heavy works and their strength above
men’s, women only do domestic work like serving the men and child and they are
still powerless.
SI18051SKR BSI 18051Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 18051


Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hiayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vii, 33 hlm,; ilus,; 25 cm.







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