PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Muslim civilization : the causes of decline and the need for reform

Image of Muslim civilization : the causes of decline and the need for reform
Muslim civilization has experienced an overall decline during the last five centuries after having undergone a long period of prosperity and comprehensive development. This raises a number of questions such as what factors enabled Muslims to become successful during the earlier centuries of Islam and what led them to their present weak position. Is it Islam which is responsible for this decline or are there some other factors which come into play? Dr. Chapra in this penetrating study tries to answer these questions thoroughly and has then discussed a reform programme that could help reverse the cycle of decline.
B170182X6.14 UME mPerpustakaan FAH (2X6)Tersedia
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2X6.14 UME m


The lslamic Foundation : United Kingdom.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xxii, 194 p.; 22 cm







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