PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Use Of Profanity Uttered By Female Characters In “Mean Girls” Movie

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Despite its controversial nature, profanity has a certain level of significance in society.
It is a powerful instrument for expressing strong feelings and emphasizing one's
perspective. The use of profanity undermines the values of respect, empathy, and civility,
eroding the foundations of healthy interaction and understanding. This research aims to
find out the types of profanity uttered by female characters and the way to express their
emotions using profanity in the Mean Girls movie. Furthermore, this research uses a
descriptive qualitative method based on Steven Pinker’s theory. The researcher watched
the movie first, and then collected the profanity findings, and classified whether the data
categorize into profanity or not and identified the types and functions of profanity using
discourse studies. After analyzing the data, the researcher found the type of profanity.
There were 10 data points classified as abusive swearing to abuse and intimidate people, 5
data points classified as emphatic swearing to emphasize something or indicate something
that’s shocking, and 4 data points classified as dysphemistic swearing to urge listeners or
to provoke the topics
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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