PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Assertive Act In Joe Biden’s First Interview As Presidenton The 60 Minutes Youtube Channel

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This study aims to find out the kinds of assertive acts and how assertive acts are
conveyed by Joe Biden in his first interview as President on the 60 Minutes YouTube
Channel by using Searle & Vanderveken's theory. This research used a qualitative
descriptive method to describe the data. To collect the data, it used documentative
techniques by watching, listening, reading the transcripts of the video, and taking notes to
be put on the data card. The result of the study showed twenty utterances were classified
into eight kinds of assertive acts, namely; claim, rebut, predict, report, admit, criticize,
assure, and inform. The most used assertive acts is inform, which consists of seven
utterances, followed by assure, which consists of three utterances. Each act of claim, report,
predict, and admit, which consists of two utterances. The fewest used of assertive act is
criticize and rebut, each act consists of one utterance. Further, based on the assertive acts
found in this research, only the criticize act contains indirect speech act and non-literal
meaning. The rest of the assertive acts contain direct speech act and literal meanings. To
conclude, Joe Biden used assertive acts to convince the audience that what he said is true.
He mostly used inform as a kind of assertive acts because as president of the United States
of America, he was responsible to inform the condition of the Nation.
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