PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Representation Of Friendship In Children Literature First Term At Malory Towers By Enid Blyton

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This thesis examines the representation of friendship through one of the children
literature books First Term at Malory by Enid Blyton. The theory used in this research is the
concept of representation by Stuart Hall and using the qualitative method. Furthermore, to
depict the representation of friendship through the main characters in this book, the
descriptive analysis technique is used in this research. Based on the findings of the research,
the writer draws attention to the fact that the characters in First Term at Malory Towers book
represent of friendship through their school lives. This novel's main character portrays a
different side of a good friend who intermittently can handle things as a leader and yet still
leads to issues for their friendship. The main character, Darrell Rivers, represents a diligent
and bubbly young girl who can easily adapt herself to a new situation which can lead her to
make new friends at her new school. Besides, she has to deal with various difficulties, such as
her own excessive fury, also some of her friends in their friendship such as Sally Hope's odd
demeanor, and her tremendous temptation with Mary Lou and others. It is obvious through
Darrel Rivers' dual roles as the major character—as both a wise and intermittently self -
righteous friend—that she would do everything in her ability to bring the best possible
situation in their friendship.
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