PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Speaking solutions : interaction, presentation, listening, and pronunciation skills

Image of Speaking solutions : interaction, presentation, listening, and pronunciation skills
The purpose of speaking solutions: snteraction, presentation, listening, and pronunciation skills is to develop the oral communication skills of intermediate through advanced ESL/EFL students in academic and professional settings. The text is intended for use in pre-academic college classes, intensive ESL/EFL programs, private language schools, and English training courses for professionals. It is designed to be covered in one semester but is easily adaptable to other periods of time.

The interactive activities in the text involve learners in practicing skills that they can apply to real-life situations. promoting cumulative learning, speaking solutions helps students:

• Participate successfully in conversations and small group discussions • Plan, organize, and deliver effective presentations by following clear, specific guidelines
• Improve listening and pronunciation skills by doing activities based on an accompanying audiotape
• Strengthen critical thinking skills by brainstorming, supporting opinions, considering values, making decisions, solving problems, and analyzing Issues
• Analyze the effectiveness of discussions and presentations by using a variety of self, peer, and group observation forms .Gain sensitivity to basic cross-cultural issues
• Take responsibility for their own learning by doing a variety of learnertraining activities
B2341428 CAN s c1Perpustakaan FAH (400)Tersedia
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428 CAN s


Pretie-hall,inc : New Jersey.,

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xvi, 222 hlm, 23,3 x 17,6 cm




0 13 701229 2



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