PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

figure of speech and theme analysis of green day's american idiot and john lennon's imagine lyric

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The goal of the research is to find and understand the meaning of figure of speech used in Green Day's American Idiot and John Lennon's Imagine lyrics, so how these elements convey the theme of the lyric. The method of research is descriptive one to explain about content of those lyrics. The verbal data collected from the song will be analyzed qualitatively based on figure of speech and any related theory or approaches. At first, the writer focuses on the explanation of those lyric then followed by figure of speech analysis. From the analysis of figure of speech, the writer finds in Green Day's American Idiot lyric: Symbol, Personification, Overstatement, Apostrophe, and Metaphor. Symbol symbolizes that American are easy to accept the whole information without prior analysis. Personification, the connotative words of television dreams means media will be a bad dream in their future. Aposthrope, the using aposthrope emphasize to American what is happening to their country currently, as sound of madness that element build Struggle for identity theme, And in John Lennon's imagine contents: Aposthrope, Symbol, Metonymy, Personification and Hyperbola. Aposthrope, The speaker addresses his speech to an absent person, the speaker is optimistic with his concept to fix this world with inviting listener to follow. Symbol, symbolizes the world peace and love . Metonymy, metonymy in the words heaven and hell is associated to religion, possesion and country. It means that all of them war created. Personification, the connotative words of the world of the world will live as one means that no religion, no possesion and no country will be live peace.
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SKR BSI 09223


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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