PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An oblique translation procedure analysis of directive illocutionary act and its accuracy in the midnight library

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The research aims to observe the oblique translation procedure's impact on maintaining the target language's accuracy and the directives' intentions. For that, the researcher applied the theory of oblique translation by Vinay & Darbelnet and the qualitative method based on Bach & Harnish's concept of the illocutionary acts. Afterwards, the researcher chose the data randomly using cards, and it needs Nababan's translation quality assessment to measure the quality of the translated text. The research found six varieties of directive illocutionary acts recognized in the source and target texts. The translator used some categories of oblique translation to translate the chosen data. The ten selected data mainly used transposition, modulation, and equivalence to translate the part-of-part or the entire utterances. Even so, there is an utterance of directive illocutionary intention in the source text that is not solved in the same sense in the target language. It is transmuted and categorized as inaccurate. Based on the analysis of translation accuracy, the accuracy level is reviewed as inaccurate when the original message in the source language is incapable of being conveyed into the target language, which appears in the translation of directive illocutionary acts
SI22075SKR BSIPerpustakaan FAHTersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 22075


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

ix, 58 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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