PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Racism and Its Resistance: Water as Symbol of Freedom, Memory, and Identity in Nayyirah Waheed’s Salt

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This thesis examines how the selected poems from Nayyirah Waheed’s Salt depict African- Americans in the United States of America experiencing racism. The selected poems also undermine racism through water as a symbol of freedom, memory, and identity as the resistance of racism. As a qualitative research, this thesis uses close textual analysis and critical textual analysis method with a postcolonial approach and theory of poetry followed by secondary sources derived from scholarly articles and other sources. The result found from the analysis shows that the selected poems depict African-Americans facing racism through marginal experiences of stereotypes and racial discrimination. Further, racism as an othering practice that awakens the sense of otherness is also found in the analysis. Moreover, the selected poems use water symbols to undermine racism towards African-Americans. In Salt, water is used as the resistance of racism against African-Americans in the United States through the involvement of water as a symbol of freedom, a symbol of memory to heal, and as a symbol of identity. In conclusion, African- Americans are still facing racism even though they are free after the Civil Rights Movement, and water is still taking part in African-
American literature discussion until now. The legacy of colonialism points to how the false binary it constructs has been used to establish marginalization in the United States, which places the African-American community as the inferior group
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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