PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Heroism values and masculine traits of samirah al-abbas in the novel magnus chase and the ship of the dead (2017)

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This research aims to show the heroism values and the masculine traits of Samirah al-Abbas in the novel Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead (2017) by Rick Riordan. This research used a descriptive qualitative method to analyze the heroism and the masculine qualities of the character. This research applied the concept of the great eight popularized by George R. Goethals and Scott T. Allison to analyze the heroism values of Samirah al-Abbas. The concept consists of eight traits that could be used to identify heroism in a person. Goethals and Allison argued that the traits of caring, charismatic, inspiring, reliable, resilient, selfless, smart, and strong are the characteristics of a hero. The results show that throughout the plot of the book, Samirah exhibited six of eight heroic traits, which are caring, charismatic, inspiring, selfless, smart, and strong. All the six heroic traits had helped Samirah and her comrades to overcome any challenges in their quests to successfully reach their goal. To analyze the masculine characteristics of Samirah al-Abbas, this research used the concept of gender by Jan E. Stets and Peter J. Burke. The concept is categorized into three parts; gender roles, gender stereotypes, and gender identity. In Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead, Samirah demonstrated masculine gender roles. She also exhibited several evidences of masculine stereotypes. For her gender identity, her masculine identity is more prominent than her feminine one. This concludes that Samirah al-Abbas is a heroic character whose masculine qualities are more prominent
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ix, 52 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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