PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Redefining jihad in leila aboulela’s the kindness of enemies (2015)

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Edward Said's Orientalism highlights how Islam and Muslims in the East were framed and highlighted negatively in Western countries, creating prejudice and negative image about their culture, rituals, and religion. Furthermore, after the 9/11 and 7/7 tragedies, which have increasingly raised sentiments against Islam. Moreover, Muslims and Jihad are seen as terrorists, violent, and suicide bombings. This research aims to undermine the negative images of Jihad by examining Leila Aboulela's The Kindness of Enemies through its characters lived in post-9/11 and 7/7. The method used in this study is Close Textual Analysis with an Orientalism approach followed by secondary data sources from scientific journals, video lectures, and books. The results found that the novel reveals the meaning of Jihad that developed after 9/11 focused on the character of Oz, who understands that Jihad is a great activity and is closely related to war. Moreover, stereotypes against Muslims have left Muslims limited free space to show their true selves. Furthermore, this research finds that Jihad should be an internal struggle for the individual against lust and away from the temptations of evil. Therefore, the negative perspective against Jihad, especially in America and European countries, must be considered because it is very different from the meaning of Jihad, which is far from violence and terrorism.
Keywords: 7/7, 9/11, al-Qaeda, Jihad, Orientalism, The Kindness of Enemies.
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