PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Representation of tooth fairy as the children's belief in rise of the guardians movie

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The purpose of this research is to show the representation of children‘s belief character of a character named Toothiana who is representing a tooth fairy as the guardians of the memories in Rise of the Guardians movie. In this research, the writer is using the concept of representation by Stuart Hall as the basic theory and supported by characterization theory by Petrie and Boggs. The methodology used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis. This method requires the writer to collect the data by framing and picturing the data either from the scenes or the dialogues. The result of the research shows that Toothiana is showing herself as the representation of tooth fairy as one of the children‘s belief characters. The writer found the representation of the tooth fairy in Toothiana‘s character by analyzing her appearance and characterization.
Keywords: Children’s Belief Character, Representation, Rise of The Guardians, Tooth Fairy
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