PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Women's oppression and resist ance under totalitarian regime of the taliban in deborah ellis' the breadwinner

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This thesis aims to show women’s oppression and resistance by the Afghan
women, Parvana, Nooria, Shauzia, Fatana, and Weera, under the totalitarian regime
of the Taliban in Deborah Ellis’ The Breadwinner. To analyze the data, the
descriptive qualitative method is used in this research. By engaging the feminist
literary criticism approach and the theory of Sexual Politics by Kate Millet, this
research investigates women’s oppression and resistance by exposing how the
Taliban as a totalitarian regime maintain its systems and power to keep the
subordinate of women. Thus, this research reveals that women are systematically
oppressed by the patriarchal values that are invested within several institutions,
making women’s oppression multifaceted and intersected. The institutions include
ideological, force, economic and educational institutions, where each institution
reinforced oppressive rules that subjugate and cause great suffering to women.
Hence, women are cornered into poverty, and prone to becoming commodities as
they are often exploited from child labor and forced marriage. However, it is
revealed that despite the oppression imposed against women, they respond to their
oppressions by performing resistance based on their diverse backgrounds. Women
engage in consciousness-raising activities, namely writing magazines, organizing
and teaching underground schools. Moreover, negotiations in resistance are also
found in Shauzia and Parvana who must disguise themselves as boys to become
the breadwinner of the family, and Nooria who decides to get married to pursue
her education. Thus, through individual and collective acts in family and societal
contexts, women help and empower each other to survive, earn liberty and
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vi, 61 hlm, ilus; 25 cm







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