PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Pemikiran al-Musaawaah ahmad surkati dan dampaknya dalam masyarakat hadrami di Indonesia pada awal abad Ke-20

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This study discusses Ahmad Surkati's thoughts related to the thought of Al-Musaawaah which caused conflict between Ahmad Surkati and Ba’alawites in Jamiatul Khair. This thought is also the background behind the establishment of Al-Irsyad as a
symbol of moderate Islam in the early 20th century. This study
aims to explain how Ahmad Surkati's opinion about the principle
of Al-Musaawaah (equality) in terms of titles of nobility (Sayid)
and marriage between ethnic groups, clans (equality) clan), and
tribes or other terms referred to as endogamy in the Ba’alawi
environment, causing a strong reaction among the Ba’alawis to
the principle views of Al-Musaawaah put forward by Ahmad
Surkati when leading the Islamic renewal movement, as well as
the impact of theprinciple of thought. Al-Musaawaah to the
existence of the Ba’alawites. The method used in this study is the
sociological approach of religion and the theory of historical
actors developed by Taufik Abdullah. The results of this study
concluded that Ahmad Surkati and the Ba’alawites were both
engaged in education and were in the same Islamic organization
(Jamiatul Khair), but they had different opinions and thoughts
that caused friction and ended in conflict with a fairly high
escalation, especially in the issue of the position of Sayyid and
non Sayyid, this conflict began at the Solo meeting with the term
"Solo Fatwa Event", and gave birth to theprinciple Al-
Musaawaah which became a conflict between the Ba’alawites
and Ahmad Surkati and reached its climax with the release of
Ahmad Surkati from Jamiatul Khair.
SS21026SKR SPI 21026Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi SPI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR SPI 21026


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xiii, 68 hlm, 30 cm







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