PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Analisa Kebutuhan Dan Ketersediaan Fasilitas Ruang Learning Commons Pada Pusat Perpustakaan Uin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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The purpose of this study is to find out how much the level of availability of commons learning room facilities is adjusted to the level of user needs at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Library Center. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The retrieval technique was carried out through a questionnaire (questionnaire), while the supporting methods were in the form of observation and documentation. The population in this study were active students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities Forces 2016-2018 who were members of the Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Islamic State Library Center, totaling 1323. The sample was taken using a simple random sampling technique (Simple Random Sampling) as many as 307 respondents, with an error rate of 5 %. The instrument validity test was carried out with the Pearson Product Moment correlation test, and the instrument reliability test using the Cronbach Alpha formula through SPSS Software for Windows Version 20.
The results showed that the level of need for learning commons facilities was categorized as very high because the average score was 3.60. Meanwhile, the level of availability of learning commons facilities is also very high with an average score of 3.64. That need has a weak relationship or correlation with availability, which is 0.356 on a scale of 0.20 – 0.40, which means that there is a positive and very significant relationship between demand and the availability of commons learning room facilities at the UIN Jakarta Library Center. With a determinant coefficient of 12.7%, it has an effect which means that the higher the demand, the higher the availability. While 87.3% is a factor that affects the Y variable (availability) of other variables that were not examined by the researcher. Thus, it can be concluded that the need and availability of Learning Commons facilities at
the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Library Center is balanced because both of them scored very high. The rooms in the UIN Jakarta Library Center have met the criteria as learning commons that create an open and comfortable atmosphere, although the term learning commons itself has not been used.
IPI21024SKR IPITersedia
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xvi, 98 hlm, 30 cm







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