PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Korps Asakir Mansure Muhammediye sebagai Pengganti Pasukan Janissari dalam Militer Kekhilafahan Turki Utsmani (1826-1839)

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This thesis tries to explain how the Ottoman military condition after the abolition of the Janissaries with the formation of a new professional and modern military corps during the reign of Sultan Mahmud II, Corps Asakir Mansure Muhammediye. The abolition of the Janissaries became a necessity for Sultan Mahmud II in order to reduce their influence on the court and change the political order of the caliphate in general. The formation of the Asakir Mansure Muhammediye Corps would not only have an impact on the military aspect, but would have a significant impact in every aspect of the Ottoman Empire. This study uses a descriptive methodology as well as a historical approach to explain how the military changes of the Ottoman Turks at the end of the 19th century occurred. In addition, it was found that the modernization and professional process of the Asakir Muhammediye Corps was divided into two stages and each had its own problems. The fact that on the battlefield, the Asakir Mansure Muhammediye Corps could not be relied on, does not reduce their role as the gateway for the reform movement in the Ottoman Empire in the future. I think that the abolition of the Janissaries by Sultan Mahmud II was the right move, even though the Asakir Mansure Muhammediye Corps in the battlefield has not been tested. Sultan Mahmud II's efforts to turn the Asakir Mansure Muhammediye Corps into a modern and professional army also became the outstanding role of this 30th sultan of Ottoman Turkey.
SS18125SKR SPI 2021 125Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi SPI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR SPI 2021 125


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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