PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Deconstruction analysis of the Holocaust in the novel the book of Aron Shepard

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This research aims to dismantle the tendency of a single meaning in the text through
a metaphysical hierarchy with the perspective of a Jewish child as the main
character encounters the holocaust in Jim Shepard’s The Book of Aron using
Derrida’s deconstruction theory. The writer uses a qualitative method and
descriptive analysis technique in which the research data consists of data words,
sentences, and paragraphs that are described in detail to reveal the analysis. This
research reveals the instability of meaning in a structure in a novel by looking at the
marginal part and ignoring the hegemony. The writer finds that the novel The Book
of Aron by Jim Shepard has the instability structure. Through the point of view of
a child describing the events of the holocaust and the way he deals with it, this novel
tells how the Nazis armed with weapons treated the Jews indifferently at first, but
then became increasingly violent in nature towards them, as seen and described by
Aron. The story begins with Aron being excited as a child viewing the holocaust,
but then the situations change into sadness and misery due to the actions of the
Nazis who invaded and occupied the Jews in Poland. The instability of a structure
in a novel utilizing the point of view of a child is analyzed by using the
deconstruction theory.
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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