PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Portrayal Of Female Masculinity In Star Wars: The Last Jedi Film

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The purpose of this research is to explain about how masculinity can be
applied as female character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi film. This research explains
Rey’s masculinity as the main character in this film which showed in the film, and
also to analyze the character through the lens of hegemonic masculinity. This
research uses the method of descriptive qualitative, applying the theory Joseph M.
Boggs’ characterization; through appearance, dialogue, external and internal action.
The result shows that Rey is a courageous, strong, ambitious, independent, and
assertive character, she appears and acts that she has same characteristics as men’s
characteristics in this film. Furthermore, this research is using the concept of
hegemonic masculinity based on a sociology theorist, R. W. Connell. She is
inclined to give certain actions, gestures, and dialogues towards other characters in
the film. The writer uses pictures and dialogues in certain scenes of the film to
collect the data by framing and picturing it. In this context, Rey constructed with
some characterizations from his experience, started from the power of the Force has
awaken in herself. Her characterization is represented through her physical
appearances and her actions.
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SKR BSI21019


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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vi, 38 hlm.







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