PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An Analysis Of Impoliteness Strategies In Boyhood Movie Transcript

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DHORIFAH, An Analysis of Impoliteness Strategies in Boyhood Movie
Transcript. Thesis. Jakarta: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities
Faculty, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, December 2016.
This research is on pragmatics impoliteness of Boyhood movie. It is a
qualitative research. The theory used in this research is Jonathan Culpeper‘s
impoliteness strategy, and additional theories, such as Brown and Levinson,
Derek Bousfield, and Leech. The writer analyzes the impoliteness strategies used
by selected characters - Mason Jr., Mason Sr., Samantha, and Olivia. Furthermore,
the writer analyzes the relation between the chosen impoliteness strategy and
power differences of the characters. The chosen strategies of the characters are
different from the prescribed strategies in some cases. Mason Jr. and Samantha,
the children, as powerless participants, used more positive impoliteness strategy.
It is different with the notions given in pragmatics as they are expected to use
politeness strategy. On the other hand, Olivia and Mason Sr., the parent, as the
powerful participants, used the impoliteness less than the children even they
performed some politeness utterances. This did not fit with the notion beforehand.
It was found that both of the participants used impoliteness strategies in their
utterances, although some of the notions and applied strategies were suitable to
the theories. The children and the parent use more the function of impoliteness
strategy to reach their aim. Therefore, the power differences did not influence
their communication much. It influenced little in the movie. In conclusion,
impoliteness strategy is a dynamic issue in interaction. It is dependent on the
participant‘s aim. Power differences is not the only factor influenced the verbal
communication even though the participants‘ power level differences are very
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