PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The use of person deixis between english: donald trump's speeches and indonesian: JOKO WIDODO’S speeches (study of contrastive analysis)

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Denisa Putri Khusnul Rahmawati, The Use of Person Deixis between English: Donald Trump’s Speeches and Indonesian: Joko Widodo’s Speeches (Study of Contrastive Analysis). Thesis. Jakarta: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Desember 2017.
This research aims to identify the differences and similarities of deixis in English and Indonesian. The research only focuses on the use of person deixis that is compared between English and Indonesian by using contrastive analysis. The data used in this research are the speech transcripts of Donald Trump and Joko Widodo. The collected data are analysed by qualitative analysis based on the relevant theories. After analysing, the researcher found that there are some similarities and differences between English and Indonesian in deixis, especially person deixis. The most prominent differences appear in the third person singular and first person plural. Besides the differences, the researcher also found the similarities of deixis use in English and Indonesian, i.e. in person deixis especially on first person singular, second person and third person plural.
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