PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Impoliteness Strategies In Pitch Perfect And Pitch Perfect 2 Movies

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This research is on Pragmatic scope that focuses on impoliteness
strategies. The unit of analysis is Pitch Perfect movies transcript. It is a qualitative
research. It is intended to identify the types of impoliteness strategies chosen by
characters, how the characters respond the FTAs, and the features of offending
event that trigger the characters to do impoliteness. This research used
Impoliteness strategies theory by Jonathan Culpeper as the main theory,
Impoliteness strategies by Derek Bousfield, and Offending Event by Timothy Jay
as the supporting theories. As the result, it was found that all five strategies were
chosen by the characters. The strategies from the most chosen to the less chosen
were as follow positive impoliteness strategy, negative impoliteness strategy, bald
on record impoliteness strategy, sarcasm or mock politeness strategy, and
withhold politeness strategy. The characters frequently harmed the addressees‟
face by insulting name calling and using obscure language sub-strategies. The
delivered FTAs made the addressees dominantly evaluated them with responses.
The addressee responded the FTAs by choosing offensive countering. The
characters mostly countered the offender by asking a challenge question which is
in negative impoliteness strategy. The behaviour feature of offending event was
the feature that mostly often provoked the characters to do impoliteness. Followed
by the status feature, this feature showed an opposition of the impoliteness notion,
in which the characters with less power 1) attacked the more powerful addressees,
and 2) countered the more powerful interlocutors with more cruel responses. The
following features that influenced characters to do impoliteness were the physical
appearance, social-physical setting, intentionality, language, sex, and age features.
SI17010SKR BSI 2017 010Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 2017 010


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xi, 83 hlm.: ilus.







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