PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Masculinity In 1930s Reflected In Public Enemies (2009) Film

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This study focuses on the masculine characteristics of John Dillinger as the main character in Public Enemies (2009) film. The unit of analysis that is used to conduct this research is the film Public Enemies (2009) that is directed by Michael Mann, and produced by Universal Pictures. By using qualitative descriptive method, this research defines the masculinity of John Dillinger through his characteristics using Janet Saltzman Chafetz’s concept of masculinity in seven areas or forms. Edward Jones’ Characterization theory is used to describe the characteristics of John Dillinger before assigning them to the seven areas or forms of Chafetz’s concept of masculinity.
The result shows that John Dillinger adjusts his characteristics based on the person he interacts with. As a gang leader and a lover, he is caring and protective to his gang members, and to Billie Frechette. On the other hand, he is apathetic towards publicity and the authority. Secondly, John Dillinger possesses same or similar traits as Chafetz’s concept of masculinity in seven areas or forms, which concludes that his masculinity is mostly aligned to Chafetz’s concept.
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SKR BSI 17118


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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