PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An Analysis Of Impoliteness Strategies In Film The Fault In Our Stars Film

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Impoliteness strategies are used to create social disruption in the closed social-distance
among speaker and hearer. This research endeavors to analyze kinds of the impoliteness strategies
that occur in the film The Fault in Our Stars film, to classify the type of counter strategies used in
film, and to analyze the relation between power level difference and the choice of strategies.
Using Jonathan Culpeper theory in Impoliteness, the writers knows that the choices of the
strategies in some cases are different from the notion given that participant with lower power level
shouldn’t perform impoliteness strategies. It was found too that some characters used the strategies
as the notion explained. The strategies and the notion were compatible each other. Here, power
level did not really influence the choice of impoliteness strategies.
To sum up, the impoliteness strategies is not a static matter in communication that is used
to create social disruption, but depends on the speaker and the hearer consideration and goals.
Furthermore, many factor influenced the use of impoliteness strategies in communication although
the power difference of the speaker and the hearer is evident
SI1725SKR BSI 2017 25Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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