PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Directive Expression In Vhf Communication At Sea (Study Of Speech Acts In Maritime Text

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This research aims to identifiy the types and the meanings of speech acts in VHF
communication at sea for emergency condition such as grounding, sinking, scuba
fatality accident, and Somali pirates attacked. It is a qualitative research that used
theory of six components of illocutionary force by Daniel Vanderveken (1999).
By applying the theory, the writer found the types and the meanings of Directive
Illocutionary Act in VHF communication, such as Asking, Commanding,
Allowing, Advising, Requesting & Forbidding. To describe the meaning of the
analysis the writer used six components of Vanderveken and the meaning of the
utterance is mostly Requesting. Based on the meanings of the illocutionary act in
VHF communication in situation Grounding, Sinking, Scuba Fatality Accident,
and Somali Pirates Attacked, most of the point of illocution is that the speaker
requests to the hearer for answering or explaining or doing something; most of the
mode of achievement is that the hearer can give the answer or explanation from
speaker request, question, or command; the propositional content of the
utterances mostly express that the speaker request to the hearer to give
explanation or do what the speaker wants; most of the preparatory condition of
the utterances is the speaker believes that the hearer can achieve what the speaker
wants; most of the sincerity condition of the utterances is that the speaker really
hopes/wants to the hearer to do the will; and the degree of strength of VHF
communication mostly shows that the speaker puts effort to get the respond from
the hearer, because it is an emergency call.
SI17192SKR BSI 2017 192Perpustakaan FAH (SKRIPSI BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xi, 89 p.: ill.







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