PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Death and Focalization in George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo

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This research aimed to find out the depiction of death in George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo to prove that this novel can be a positive contribution to death-denial society. It used the theory of Focalization – part of Narratology – by Mieke Bal to analyze the attitudes of four focalizers toward death and the reason why the dead dominate the focalization process. Descriptive-qualitative method and objective analysis technique were used to reveal the research findings. This research discovered that the four focalizers had different ways to face the reality of death. The focalizers denied several facts they experienced after their death or the death of someone close to them by using several objects related to death and memory of their lives to trick other focalizers and the readers in purpose of believing what they told. From this analysis, with the process of focalization, death can only be depicted through several objects which became metaphor, allegory, or allusion. Moreover, the dead focalizers dominated the focalization process to make the boundary between the realm of the dead called Bardo and the world of the living invisible and to strengthen the perspectives of those who have tasted death empirically. As a conclusion, the analysis of focalization found that this novel can be a positive contribution to death-denying society as death, in this novel, is an image of a contemplation to appreciate life.
SI21003SKR BSI 2021 003Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 2021 003


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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vi, hal 46







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