PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Class Conflict Analysis In Step Up Revolution Film By Using Marxism Literary Criticism

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This thesis aims to observe social classes; Bourgeois and Proletarian, the
conflict between them, and the struggle of Proletarian in Step Up Revolution (2012)
film through Marxism literary criticism. This research uses qualitative method and
descriptive analysis technique to analyze the social classes, the class conflict, and
proletarian’s resistance with some other supporting theory such as theory of Emmet
G. Price about hip hop culture and Howard Rheingold’s theory about smart mobs.
Research finding shows there are two main classes in the film; proletariat
and bourgeoisie where there are two major characters as the representation of each
classes; The Mob and the resident of Spring Garden district as the proletariat, Bill
Anderson and his company as the bourgeois. Moreover, there is a conflict over a
property between those classes. The bourgeois collaborate with the city council of
Miami as the representation of the landowner to gain more power in order to win
the conflict. As the struggle to win the conflict, The Mob uses graffiti and smart
mob as protest art and makes it viral on social networks. As the conclusion, the
performance of protest art successfully gets a lot of supports from social networks
and helps the poor revolt against the capitalist.
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SKR BSI 2019 161


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vi, 40 hlm.: ilus







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