PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Accuracy Of Unit Shift Translation In Zootopia Movie Subtitle : English To Indonesian

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This research is about unit shift and its accuracy translation in Zootopia
movie subtitles in English into Indonesian. This research used qualitative method
with descriptive analysis from Source Language (in English) and Target Language
(in Indonesian) by using Catford’s theory about unit shift and Alzuhdy’s
categorizations of upward-downward rank unit shift, and analyzing the translation
accuracy of unit shift translation considering appropriate of the context in the
movie’s scene and related to the theory about accuracy translation. The result of
this research showed that there are 2 (two) types of unit shift, there are upward
rank and downward rank. From 17 (seventeen) data has been analyzed, 10 (ten)
data was a type of downward rank of unit shift and 7 (seven) data was a type of
upward rank unit shift. Those two types are divided into phrase into word, phrase
into clause, sentence into clause, word into phrase, and word into clause. So,
commonly the unit shift categorized into downward rank. Then, for the accuracy
of unit shift translation, from 17 (seventeen) data that has been analyzed, there are
8 (eight) data almost accurate and 9 (nine) data is accurate. So, the translation of
the unit shift produces the accurate ones.
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SKR BSI 19000


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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ix, 45 Hlm, 25 Cm







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