PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Appraisal Syistem In Witnesses` Opening Sttement At Nomination Hearning In The Judictary Commitee September 27th,2018

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This study aims to identify and compare the use of appraisal resource by Ford
and Kavanaugh in delivering their opening statement at a nomination hearing of
The Judiciary Committee on September 27
, 2018. The appraisal language
analyzed in this study encompases three sub-systems of appraisal; Attitude,
Engagement, and Graduation. This study is conducted using mixed-method
design. Besides, this study applied the theory of Appraisal System by Martin and
White to analyzing the data. The result sheds light on that the use of appraisal
resources in both opening statement is well-disttributed to all sub-systems of
appraisal in different number. The most appraisal system used by Ford is
Attitude, followed by Graduation, and then Engagement. At the same time, the
most appraisal system employed by Kavanaugh is Attitude, followed with
Engagement, then Graduation. Ford predominates the use of negative Affect and
Judgement Propriety which implies that she tried to engage with the audience
emotionally. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh predominates the use of positive Propriety
which shows that he tried to refining his good name. Furthermore, besides the
use of appraisal resources is strong, it is also used manipulatively since both
used more dialogic contraction for a very contradict proposition.
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SKR BSI 19145


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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