PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Sangiran: man, culture and environment in pleistocene times

Image of Sangiran: man, culture and environment in pleistocene times
Sangiran, on the island of Java in Indonesia, is one of very few early man sites in the world. Other sites are found only in some countries of Africa and Europe, beside India and China. Compare with other sites, Sangiran possesses particular characteristics: Firstly, it presents a sequences of layers from the Upper Pliocene through the Pleistocene, up to the recent age. These layers offer various important data for understanding of the past. Secondly, they are rich in archeological remains. Sangiran has yielded about 60 individuals belonging to the homo erectus species, in a time span exceeding one million years. These finds constitute about 65% of all fossil man finds in Indonesia and more than half of all fossil man finds worldwide.
B199076930.1 TRU sPerpustakaan FAH (900)Tersedia
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930.1 TRU s


Yayasan Obor Indonesia : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xvi, 442 p.: ilus.; 21 cm







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Ed. 1

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