PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Conversation analysis of preference in monte carlo movie

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Siti Fatimah Al Mukarramah, Conversation Analysis of Preference in Monte Carlo Movie. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, December 2016.
This research discusses conversation analysis related to preference between Grace as main character and Cordelia’s relatives (Bernard, Theo, and Alicia) in Monte Carlo movie by Thomas Bezucha. The aims of this research are to find out the context in order to make each conversation is easy to understand, preference that Grace showed in conversations with her interlocutors to cover up her true identity, and also the type of preference that Grace mostly applied. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. The researcher collects the data from the script, then describes the context first by using Dell Hymes’ theory and the type of preference by synthesizing and using theories from George Yule, Anthony J. Liddicoat, Ian Hutchby and Robin Wooffitt. Based on the theories provided, the researcher analyzes the data one by one to know the context of each conversation and the type of preference that main character used. The data of this research is limited only thirteen data from five scenes of Monte Carlo movie. The result of this research shows that Grace used both types of preference: preferred and dispreferred. From the data analysis, Grace mostly used preferred response rather than dispreferred response. She showed preferred response to make her interlocutors believe that she was the real Cordelia. In contrast, she used dispreferred response only when she was urged by her interlocutors especially Aunt Alicia and when her true identity was almost disclosed.
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