PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Hierarchy Of Needs Analysis Of The Main Character In The Film Hacker (2016)

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The aim of the study are to describe the characteristics of Alex as the main character in
the film Hacker, and also to reveal the needs that are achieved by Alex as a hacker. To
analyze it, this research uses the descriptive and qualitative method. The needs that are
achieved by Alex is viewed by By Abraham Harold Maslow‟s theory, hierarchy of human
needs. The analysis focuses on Alex, as the main character, fulfills the third and the fourth
needs of hierarchy of human needs; Love and Belongingness needs, and Esteem needs.
In the film Hacker, Alex is portrayed as a loner person. In the human needs, Alex is
unconsciously looking for two needs to be fulfilled; love and belongingness needs, and
esteem needs. Alex tries to fulfill the third need by building friendships with another
hackers, and also by solving the economics matter of his family which automatically
changes the atmosphere of his family to be more harmonious and loveliness. In the esteem
needs, Alex tries to fulfill this needs by operating some great missions that apparently
impress the hacker‟s community, even the chief, Zed. From all the process, it can be
concluded that gradually, Alex can fulfill another needs as a human being; love and
belongingness needs, and esteem needs, by being a hacker.
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TS BSI 19019


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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ix.61 hlm.ilus 25cm







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