PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Caught between three fires : the Javanese Pangulu under the Dutch colonial administration 1882-1942

Image of Caught between three fires : the Javanese Pangulu under the Dutch colonial administration 1882-1942
As indicated in the title, this book describes position of the pangulu as a social phenomenon in the period of Dutch colonial administration when many social and religious changes took place. There are three main focuses of the book in describing the role of the pangulu; first, to examine their history and structure in the colonial government; second, to describe their conflicting roles as Islamic leaders and as colonial government officials; and third, to understand how pangulu interacted with Islamic reformism and the nationalist movement.
B174782X9.598 MUH c c1Perpustakaan FAH (2X9)Tersedia
B1905672X9.598 MUH c c2Perpustakaan FAH (2X9)Tersedia
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No. Panggil

2X9.598 MUH c


INIS : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xv, 331 p.; 24 cm







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Tipe Media


Tipe Pembawa



Ed. 37

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