PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

An enlightening commentary into the light of the holy Quran : volume 1

Image of An enlightening commentary into the light of the holy Quran : volume 1
In this century of the research and scientific progression of the computer and endeavours for the conquest of space and finding new stars and galaxies, of even more than 50 million light years from us by modern instruments, and thea efforts of astronomers and the faster mean of communication have set in motion such rapid conveyances for men and material which causes a vital change and exchange of thoughts and religious ideology, the light of Islam is penetrating all curtains of every kind and is illuminating some individuals'hearts in nearly all part of the world, inspite of heavy barriers and careful controls and religious interrogation exerted by not only many governments of non-Muslim nation, but also in some Muslim countries againts their believing people, especially during the years after the Islamic Revolutin of Iran.
B1924152X1.5 AGR a v1Perpustakaan FAH (2X1)Tersedia
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2X1.5 AGR a v1


Amir-al-Mo\'mineen Ali Library : Iran.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xxiii, 360 hlm.; 24 x 17 cm.







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1st Vol, 5th ed.

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