PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Translation of metaphor in Riyadh Shaliheen

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The research focuses on translation of metaphor in Riyadh Shaliheen in English
Translation by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan,especially in translating the metaphor
from Arabic into English. The researcher tends to discuss about the cultural aspect
into the equivalence in target language through the types of metaphor and its
procedures Peter Newmark’s approach.
The researcher classifies the metaphor in six general categories through
Newmark’s approach, Dead, Cliche, Stock, Adapted, Recent, and Original
Metaphors. Numbers of the metaphors in unit of the research consideres as this
typology.The reseacher put each metaphor in data to those categories for finding
the equivalence and suitable for the target language through Newmark’s strategies
and procedures in translating the metaphor from Arabic into English. The findings
of the study give the reseacher conclusion that the metaphorical words can not
always be translated, but the essence or the meaning of the the word surely can be
transfered in target language.
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SKR BSI 17058


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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x, 74 hlm.; ilus.







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