PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Archetype and individuation process in alan wake (2010) video game

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This research purpose aims to demonstrate the individuation process of
Alan Wake through the archetypes by finishing the last page of
“Departure” manuscript. The research uses interpretative qualitative
method in extending the findings. Using interpretation analysis can depict
phenomenon of video game from the act, figures, sources (game items;
weapons, flashlight, manuscript, etc.), situation, by applying Carl Gustav
Jung’s psychoanalytic theory of archetype and individuation process in
the video game. In the video game story, Alan Wake is a writer who had
had a writer’s block for 2 years and experiences a nightmare. The
nightmare happens when Alice Wake has lost at the Cauldron Lake. To
find Alice, Alan follow the journey from his nightmare, suddenly
discovers something powerful to create and change things influenced by
two mythical figures, namely Thomas Zane and Barbara Jagger. Both
figures come into Alan’s nightmare following the unwritten manuscript
“Departure” plot story, whose Alan is guided to contain several figures to
overcome darkness figures and integrate light and darkness to be
actualized. The findings show that archetype depictions are associated by
mythological images reflected from the collective unconscious in Alan
Wake. The forms such as Barbara Jagger, Thomas Zane, Taken, Alan as
The Hero, and the Bird Leg cabin are the projected images that Alan
created in his dream. Alan starts his nightmare journey, experiences all
the archetypes contributed, and realizes how to end the “Departure”
manuscript as Alan’s individuation process. In conclusion, Alan Wake's
unconscious journey by ending at the point of self-realization and writing
the "Departure" script is considered as an individuation process.
S122098SKR BSI 22098Perpustakaan FAH (skripsi BSI)Available but not for loan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 22098


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,


xi, 75 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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