PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The representation of conservatism through a mother-role in “lady bird”

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The Representation of Conservatism
Through a Mother-Role in Lady Bird, Thesis: Department of English Literature, Faculty of
Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam NegeriSyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, 2021.
This research aims to demonstrate the concept of conservatism through the character
Marion in Lady Bird (2017) that has a role asa mother. The method used in this thesis is
descriptive qualitative with the concept Character and Characterization by Boggs and Pietreand
theconcept of conservatismbased on Nickerson’s book. Marion demonstrates the role of a
mother, such as discipline, sensitive, pessimist, loving, forgiving, and neat person. Also, as a
mother who holds affirm of American conservatism, Marion taught Lady Bird about the
conservative traits, for instance, the value of social class, Christian as the light of conservatism,
respect for the conservative, and the last is how the transition to modernity is very much needed.
In conclusion, despite Marion’s role as a mother and the first teacher for Lady Bird, she had to
accept the undeniable facts that she lived in modernity for living her family. Hence, she was
being a mother also a breadwinner and put her conservatives thought aside.
Keywords: Conservatism in twentieth century, Mother Role, Characterization, Conservatism
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