PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Gender Deconstruction on Woman’s Stereotype in Mathew Cullen London Fields (2018) Film

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As gender stereotype often represented in various form of literature, such as movies, it is also interesting to investigate further on how literature describes the deconstruction of gender stereotype. This research aims to analyse the representation of male and female character’s gender stereotype that are depicted in Mathew Cullen London Fields (2018) film. The research also aims to show how the stereotype are deconstructed as well as how to deconstruct the deconstruction in the film as the method of analysis. Through the analysis the writer finds that the representation of female character in London Fields follows the traditional gender stereotypes. Nicola Six-the female character, follows the stereotype where women are considered inferior, less knowledgeable to men, dependant, emotional, fragile and subservient to men and man’s interest needs and fears. However, as the story follows, these stereotype also gradually deconstructed by contrast in Nicola’s personality, showing that women can be superior than men, dominant, manipulative, demanding and controlling. Nicola against the social norms of the uneven balance of power between men and women and establish her own intention. There, the writer finds that meaning of “to deconstruct” can be preceived in different ways. Analysis on the other three main male characters also presented in the discussion.
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SKR BSI 22029


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,


v, 53 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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