PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Social class struggle in bomb city film

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Amarylis Rizky Hanitya, Social Class Struggle in Bomb City film with
concept Marxist by Karl Mark. A Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of
Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta 2022.
This research focuses on the Social Class Struggles in Bomb City films. There
are two groups. The Punk Group named: Brian, King, Jason, Oles, and Brian’s
Lawyer. The Preps Group named: Cody, Cody’s parents, Cody’s lawyer, The Police,
and The Cheerleader: Michelle. This research aims to determine social class
classification and how social class struggles. The Punk Group struggles to maintain
economic status and get a confession on society. The Preps Group symbolizes
Bourgeoise as more dominant, using the Marxist theory of Social Class and Struggle
by Karl Marx. The researcher found two types of Social Class struggles: The Punk
Group as Symbolist Ploretariat and The Preps Group as Symbolist Bourgeoise.
This research uses qualitative descriptive methods to reveal the research
findings. The researcher found symbols in each group related to the social class
struggle in the past and explicitly represent the inner conflict in social life. This
research examined the economic struggle shown by the lifestyles and hobbies of The
Punk Group in different economic self methods of expression to overcome the verbal
and non-verbal war and the tragedy of Brian’s death as a member of The Punk Group.
The Punk Group wants to maintain its economic status as a symbolist Proletariat by
singing as Punk Rock Musician and workers creating signboards and making gravity
walls. The Punk Group struggles to get a decent job and wants to demand equality
and recognition in the society. The Preps Group, as symbolist Bourgeoise, did not
like to be considered the same economic status. Both those struggle to need
appreciation in social life. It is impossible to do the same, and someone must be more
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SKR BSI 22062


Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hiayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

viii, 63 hlm, ilusi; 25 cm







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