PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Cooperative principle analysis in the conversation between david letterman and jim carrey on the late show with david letterman.

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Jaisy Rahman Tohir, 1111026000063, Cooperative Principle Analysis In The
Conversation Between David Letterman And Jim Carrey On The Late Show With
David Letterman. Thesis: English Letters Department. Letters and Humanities
Faculty. State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.
This research analyzes a conversation between David Letterman and Jim
Carrey in the Late Show with David Letterman aired on 29th October 2014. This
research uses qualitative methodology and bibliography technique as the method of
collecting data. The main theory used is cooperative principle and conversational
implicature of Paul Grice.
The writer finds fourteen selected data from the conversation which contain
non-observance of maxim of cooperative principle. The non-observance of maxim
which appears in this research is only flouting maxim. In total, Jim Carrey flouts
maxim of quantity ten times, four times of maxim of quality, four times of maxim of
relation, and three times of maxim of manner. The most flouted maxim which fails to
observe is maxim of quantity which occurs by giving more or less information than is
required. The non-observance by flouting the maxim generates conversational
implicature. In this research, the writer only finds one particularized conversational
implicature, and the rest are generalized conversational implicature.
The writer finds that most of conversational implicature is to entertain the
audience instead of promoting Jim’s new film Dumb and Dumber to. Jim as a guest
star always gives answer that makes the audience laugh. Jim Carrey blatantly fails to
observe (flouting) the maxim of cooperative principle to implies his jokes to the
audience. Furthermore, the usage of generalized conversational implicature makes the
audience easier to understand the jokes itself.
SI160173SKR BSI 2016 0173Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi sastra inggris)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 2016


Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hiayatullah Jakarta : Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora.,

Deskripsi Fisik

vii, 57 lembar






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