PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Analysis Of Lexical Cohesion Of Islamic State (Is) Discourse On Voa News’ Article

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In this research, the writer discusses the using of lexical cohesion in Islamic
State discourse. The datas are collected from on June 2015 edition.
This research is aimed to find out the types of lexical cohesion appear in the
articles and to know the dominant lexical cohesion device which is used.
The writer uses a qualitative method in this research. She uses Halliday and
Hasan‟s theory of cohesion to find out the lexical cohesion with a descriptive
analysis by identifying and analyzing articles from online media. According to
the theory, lexical cohesion is divided into two main categories, reiteration and
collocation. To focus on the study, the writer limits the problem by focusing the
research on finding the devices of lexical cohesion on the articles and the
dominant device of it.
From the analysis, the writer shows that the lexical cohesion devices which occur
in the articles are repetition, synonym, superordinate, general word, and
collocation. But, in one of the articles not all of those devices are found. Besides,
the dominant lexical of the two articles is repetition. In the text I, there are forty
repetitions while in the text II there are twenty seven repetitions
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SKR BSI16003


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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vii, 36 hlm.: ilus.







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