PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Appraisal Of Interpersonal Meaning In Donald Trump’s Speech At Arab Islamic American Summit In Riyadh

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This research investigates language use for communication in the President
Trump‘s speech in Riyadh (2017) from the perspective of Systemic Functional
Linguistic (SFL) especially dealing with the Tenor of the discourse. The aims of
the research is to describe the tenor realize in the speech and the construction of
interpersonal meaning in the speech. This research uses qualitative approach as
the main method. In conducting the research, the data is gained by breaking down
the speech into clauses. The data is analyzed by using two units of analysis which
are grammar analysis and lexical analysis. In the term of grammar analysis it
concerns in the mood system, mood types, and Modality, while the lexical
analysis concerns with Appraisal theory proposed by Martin and White (2005). In
grammatical analysis, the results show that the most subject found in the speech is
considered as I (50%), the most finite found in the speech is considered as simple
present (80%). The most mood types found in the speech is considered as
declarative mood (95%) and the most modality found in the speech is median

value (66%). In lexical analysis, the appraisal most found is considered as
judgment (44%) followed by affect (35%), and appreciation (21%).
SI19074SKR BSI 19074Perpustakaan FAH (Skripsi BSI)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan
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SKR BSI 19074


Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xi, 70 hlm.; ilus .; 25 x 18 cm







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