PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Representation Japan And America In Big Hero 6 (2014) Film

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Big Hero 6 (2014) film directed by Don Hall by Walt Disney Animation Studios is
the unit analysis of this research. The writer uses the film to reveal the representation
of Japan and America. The purpose of this research is to know and understand
character, then setting/props that represent Japan and America from the concept
representation by Stuart Hall. The writer uses qualitative method to analyze the
findings. All data are collected from the dialogue and screencapture in the film.
The result shows that Japan and America the two different culture are mixed in the
film. Eventhough, the two countries was blend but in mixed of culture, there is still
have more dominant. The dominant is America. In the film Japanese traditional
culture represented in different ways and used not as should be. It conclude that
eventhouh, there are many elements of Japan such as cultures, characters, buildings,
are portrayed in this film but still America more dominant. It seems America
describing Japan inproper. It can be seen from the elements character and
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Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hiayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

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