PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Transgender Issues Through Transgender Character In Glee Tv Series

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This Research aims to know the representation of transgender issues of

transgender character named Wade Adams from Glee TV series. This research
explained Wade’s transgender issues that has been reflected from the show. The writer
uses qualitative descriptive analysis method to reveal the findings. All data are
collected from the scenes, action, and dialogues from eight episodes of Glee.
The writer finds that Wade is a transwoman character who transforms himself
from a man to be a woman. Wade is seen more confident by being a woman. He also
often says that he is a black woman. Wade always embraces his femininity by wearing
dress, high heels, wig, fancy jewelry and make-up. However, Wade faces few
transgender issues such as self-identity which he identifies himself as a black woman
and find a new name for himself which he wanted people called him “Unique”,
violence, discrimination from institution that made him got banned from school play,
discrimination in public facilities that make him cannot choose the right bathroom for
him, and discrimination in environment which made him scared to walk on the street
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SKR SI 19020


Fakulas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hiayatullah Jakarta : Jakarta.,

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