PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Participation Rights of the Child : Rights and responsibilities in family and society

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This book offers criteria for considering children's self-expression, and provides practical examples, focusing on ordinary children in everyday situations, and considering the evolving capacities of the child, from birth to adulthood. Although it is not a book primarily about law, the key legal issues are included, and the book contains examples of practical issues from many different cultures. The authors open with a discussion of human rights in general, then focusing on the basis for rights for children and the role of the Convention, and the key issues involved. The second part of the book looks at participation rights and rights of self-expression in both theory and practice - the legal and political implications, and the practical implementation of rights. The third part of the book focuses on the exercise of the rights self-expression, the empowerment of children, and how, in practical terms, this can be implemented. A wide range of situations are looked at and the authors also discuss the relationship between rights and responsibility.
B19960323.352 MAL p c1Perpustakaan FAH (300)Tersedia
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