PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Skills for life : library information literacy for grades k-6

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As a recent public awareness campaign of the American Library Association demonstrated, some of our best-known writers, elected leaders, and opinion-makers credit public and school libraries and librarians for making a differences, the library give everyone the same access to information, the same opportunity to enrich their own and others lives. The only barrier is not knowing how to use a library. Teaching school children how to effectively access and use the information stored in libraries and other institutions is the unique privilege and responsibility of school librarians
B191211025.5 CHR s c1Perpustakaan FAH (000)Tersedia
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Skill for life

No. Panggil

025.5 CHR s


Linworth Publishing : Ohio.,

Deskripsi Fisik

xi, 299 hlm.: ilus.; 25 cm.







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