PERPUSTAKAAN Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Representation of hijab meaning in three Essays from it’s not about the burqa Anthology

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It’s Not About the Burqa anthology presents a complicated and diverse
collection of Muslim women's voices. This study analyzes how these
women use their personal experience with the hijab as a tool to
challenge the dominant narrative that reduces their identity. Through
qualitative methods and applying the theory of Stuart Hall
representation with a constructive approach, this research identifies and
examines the representation of the meaning of the veil in three essays in
this anthology. Nafisa talks about how the media often misinterpret
Muslims, including those who wear headscarves. Afia shares why she
wears a hijab and what it means to her. Afshan talks about groups
formed by women wearing hijabs to fight for their rights. The results of
this study show the complexity of the hijab representation through the
analysis of various Muslim women's perspectives. The hijab is not only
a symbol or religious clothing, but a variety of identity representations,
resistance to stereotypes and errors of representation. This study
highlights how the media and fashion industry plays a role in forming a
narrative about the hijab, and shows the role of Muslim women as an
active agent who negotiates the meaning of hijab and struggles for
authentic representation. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the
importance of understanding the veil as a dynamic symbol and
continues to be negotiated, as well as the need for various
representations and respect the multifase of Muslim women's identity.
Hijab can have many meanings depending on the situation and people
who use it. This means that the meaning of the hijab is not only
determined by religion, but also by personal experience and the
surrounding environment.
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Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Syarif Hidayatullah : Jakarta.,

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