The portrayal of sexist language on male superiority in “blonde” (2022) movie
Nirmala Salma Maulani - Personal Name
frans sayogie - Personal Name

Sexist language belittles women and conveys negative attitudes toward them.
This study aimed to explore the application of Sara Mills' theory to analyze and
interpret instances of sexist language in the movie “Blonde” (2022) and its
implications for male superiority. Using a qualitative research method, the study
described and analyzed data collected from the movie’s dialogue transcripts using
Sara Mills’ (2008) framework of overt and indirect sexism. The researcher
identified 13 instances of overt sexism, including 2 Naming, 1 Dictionary, 1
Generic Pronoun, 4 Insult Terms for Women, 3 Semantic Derogation, 1 Surname,
and 1 Joke, with Insult Terms for Women being the most frequent. For indirect
sexism, 13 instances were found, consisting of 2 Humor, 3 Presupposition, 1
Conflicting Message, 5 Metaphor, and 2 Androcentric Perspective, with
Metaphors being the most frequent. The results indicated that men, as the
dominant gender in the movie, were the primary users of sexist language,
highlighting male superiority. Male characters in positions of power, such as the
director and the president, as well as Marilyn’s partners, used sexist language to
commit acts of violence, objectify women, and limit women’s roles. In contrast,
female characters used sexist language as a reflection of the prevailing cultural
norms and lack of awareness of this issue at the time. This study concluded that
the use of sexist language in “Blonde” (2022) reflected the societal attitudes of the
1950s to 1960s, according to the movie's setting, where gender dominance
excluded women and affirmed men's superior position in society.
This study aimed to explore the application of Sara Mills' theory to analyze and
interpret instances of sexist language in the movie “Blonde” (2022) and its
implications for male superiority. Using a qualitative research method, the study
described and analyzed data collected from the movie’s dialogue transcripts using
Sara Mills’ (2008) framework of overt and indirect sexism. The researcher
identified 13 instances of overt sexism, including 2 Naming, 1 Dictionary, 1
Generic Pronoun, 4 Insult Terms for Women, 3 Semantic Derogation, 1 Surname,
and 1 Joke, with Insult Terms for Women being the most frequent. For indirect
sexism, 13 instances were found, consisting of 2 Humor, 3 Presupposition, 1
Conflicting Message, 5 Metaphor, and 2 Androcentric Perspective, with
Metaphors being the most frequent. The results indicated that men, as the
dominant gender in the movie, were the primary users of sexist language,
highlighting male superiority. Male characters in positions of power, such as the
director and the president, as well as Marilyn’s partners, used sexist language to
commit acts of violence, objectify women, and limit women’s roles. In contrast,
female characters used sexist language as a reflection of the prevailing cultural
norms and lack of awareness of this issue at the time. This study concluded that
the use of sexist language in “Blonde” (2022) reflected the societal attitudes of the
1950s to 1960s, according to the movie's setting, where gender dominance
excluded women and affirmed men's superior position in society.
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Nirmala Salma Maulani
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